Holy Sacraments

Communion and Baptism

2025 Communion Schedule:

  • January 5th

  • February 2th

  • March 2th

  • April 6th

  • May 4th

  • June 1nd

  • July 6th

  • August 3th

  • September 7st

  • October 5th (World Communion)

  • November 2nd

  • December 7th

Preparing for Communion

Pastor Emeritus, Kevin Rudolph explains Communion. You can also download the “Understanding of Communion” and the “Basic elements of Communion” for your reference. The video clip is from Maundy Thursday 2020, the first time some of our people shared this at home. It still applies for World Communion Sunday, when believers all over the world come to the Lord’s Table, but not all in the same fashion.

The Sacrament of Baptism

Interested In Baptism?

The Sacrament of Baptism is a means of grace and the sign that we are loved by God and sealed into God's covenant through Jesus’ passion and resurrection. Baptism is joyfully celebrated in the midst of a public worship service. Windwood invites the children and grandchildren of covenant partners to participate in the Sacrament of Baptism as part of a Sunday morning worship service, typically on the third Sunday of the month. For individuals who desire to become Windwood covenant members, and have not been previously baptized, we invite them to be baptized during a worship service as part of a regularly scheduled New Member Admission. 

Windwood requires that individuals who desire to be baptized, as well as families bringing children to be baptized, meet with one of our pastors to discuss the meaning of baptism prior to scheduling a date.

If you would like to learn more about having your child baptized at Windwood, please contact Cindy King at cking@windwoodpc.org to speak with one of our pastors. 

To read about our church’s position on Baptism, please read the following handout developed by Pastor Emeritus, Kevin Rudolph.