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Pre-Teens are in a unique phase of life because they’re feeling the tension of being caught between elementary and middle school. They’re beginning to experience drastic changes, they’re growing in their independence, and they’re also trying to figure out who cares about them.
Every Sunday morning at 9:30 our Pre-Teens (5th-6th graders) have a space and time that helps them trust God’s character, begin owning their faith, and experience God’s family. Pre-Teens will join middle school and high school youth in the Summit for a time of worship (2-3 songs) followed by a lesson led by their leaders, Tim Scholten and Wes Sorrels.
Middle School
Middle school youth are experiencing the most change (physically, emotionally, mentally) compared to any other phase. They’re beginning to ask and attempt to answer the question, “Who am I?” as they discover what makes them unique.
Every Sunday morning at 9:30 our middle school youth (7th-8th graders) have space to ask question as they seek to understand their faith more deeply and take deeper ownership of their faith. Middle school youth will join Pre-Teens and high school youth in the Summit for a time of worship (2-3 songs) followed by a lesson led by their leaders, John Scholten, Lena Scholten, and Stella King.
High School
Today, high school youth are asking many questions - “Why should I believe?”, “How can I matter?”, “How will I do?”, and “Where do I belong?” During these phases of faith development, we try to help them clarify their values, explore and refine their gifts, and create a vision for their God-glorifying future so that they can discover their personal mission God has given them.
Every Sunday morning at 9:30 our High School youth will join their friends in the Summit for a time of worship (2-3 songs). Students can then choose from two paths:
Confirmation. (Open to all, 9th graders encouraged) Students dive deeper into their faith, ask questions, write their own statement of faith. Led by Karl Gulick, Pastor Andrew, and others in our church family.
High School Study & Discussion. Through lesson and discussion time, we explore various biblical topics that help impact each student’s world view and help frame the questions our youth struggle with today. Led by Meredith Ridenour, Cassie Pirtle, Pastor Andrew, and other leaders in our church family.
High school youth enter ninth grade looking for their tribe and asking the question, “Where do I belong?” To help them answer this question and pursue authentic faith as a part of our church family, we encourage all our incoming freshman (or older High School youth) to join Confirmation, a school-year-long discussion-based class covering a range of topics related to their faith. This class provides a space to dive deeper into specific areas of our faith, ask questions, write their own statement of faith, and become a member of the church should they decide to do so at the end of Confirmation. Our hope is that they will value and choose to be a part of our faith family by the end of the year. Led by Karl Gulick, Pastor Andrew, and others in our church family. Confirmation begins September 10th.
Crossroads is a new program on Wednesday night for our Pre-Teens (5th-6th graders) and middle school youth (7th-8th graders). They’ll meet in the Summit at 6:30 for a time of prayer, a short devotional, and time for fellowship. They will be brought back up to the front of the church at the end of the program for parents to pick them up.