The Godly Citizenship group encourages you to pray for:

  • Harris County Government

    • That elected officials would honor God and display wisdom in their decisions

    • That county officers and employees would be wise stewards of the citizen’s resources

    • That upcoming elections would be conducted with openness and integrity

  • Local Law Enforcement

    • That God would protect our police officers from harm

    • That Judges and officers of the court would apply the law impartially and fairly

    • That God would comfort the families of officers killed in the line of duty

  • Local School Districts

    • That districts would adopt God-honoring programs and policies in all areas of education

    • That God blesses and protects our teachers and school staff

    • That students turn to Christ in times of challenge, temptation, and stress

  • Windwood

    • That the Holy Spirit empower each of us with courage to speak the truth in love to our neighbors and community

    • That all churches stand firmly together for Godly values in an increasingly secular and hostile culture

    • That our pastoral transition would go smoothly and the Session and staff provide wise, Christ-centered leadership as we move into a new era

Also visit the National Day of Prayer webpage on how to pray for America