Sanctity of Human Life: Abortion
The term abortion is commonly understood to mean the intentional termination of the life of an unborn baby. The book of Genesis tells us that God created mankind in His image as both male and female. Human beings are, therefore, both spiritual and physical creatures. Exceptional among the living creatures on Earth, God has endowed human beings with a unique dignity, personal freedom, and individual accountability among all the works of creation, making us for relationship first with Himself and one another and also to be good and faithful stewards of creation from conception to natural death.
What is Windwood’s position on when human life begins?
Although the Bible does not specifically state when life begins, we believe the weight of Biblical authority points to life beginning at conception.
What is Windwood’s position on a healthy pregnancy that is not life threatening?
For a healthy pregnancy that is not life threatening, Windwood is strongly committed to the preservation and defense of unborn babies. Compassionate education of alternatives to abortion can be found in places like Care Net Pregnancy Center which is one of our local community service partners. Click on this link for more information or visit their website at
What is Windwood’s position on a pregnancy that threatens the life of the mother?
Women’s lives are sacred too. If the pregnancy will kill both the mother and the baby, an abortion is an appropriate medical intervention. If there needs to be a decision between the life of the mother and the life of the baby, that is a prayerful decision that must be made by the mother and her family in consultation with medical professionals. This is a painful decision that must be made between two living children of God.
What is Windwood’s position regarding disagreement with our Convictions on abortion?
Our beliefs on abortion fall within Windwood’s “Convictions.” Click here for a review of how to disagree agreeably at Windwood. We understand that Christians of good conscience may disagree with our Convictions regarding abortion, and it is not necessary to agree with these Convictions to be a member of Windwood or attend church services here. But our Convictions are things we must act upon. Therefore, Windwood will seek to promote and protect the right to life from conception to natural death. If you have any questions or would like to discuss our position on other life and death issues as they are presented in the Bible, please call the church office at 281-378-4040 and someone will assist you in working through this topic.