Convictions: Our Convictions are not merely ideas we hold, but beliefs that hold us. They inform how we serve in ministry to the community and members; therefore, they deserve the fullest support our consciences allow. For more on what is expected of members who disagree with these Convictions, click on this link.
Concerning Sanctity of Human Life — The book of Genesis tells us that God created mankind in His image as both male and female. Human beings are, therefore, both spiritual and physical creatures. Unique among the living creatures on Earth, God has endowed human beings with special dignity, personal freedom, and individual accountability, making us for relationship first with Himself and one another and also to be good and faithful stewards of creation from conception to natural death. For how this Conviction applies to both the unborn and the women who bear them, click here. For how this Conviction applies to suicide and euthanasia, click here.
Concerning Human Sexuality — Sexuality is expressed as a set of behaviors. It is not a state of being. Therefore, sexual activity with others outside of the covenant of marriage between one man and one woman is prohibited by God’s commandments. For more discussion of Windwood’s Convictions on human sexuality, click here.
Concerning Gender Identity — Gender is a physical state of being. God designed human beings as either male or female. The union of these complementary genders reflects the image and nature of God. In our fallenness, some people reject God’s design and attempt to be what they are not, contrary to being the person God created them to be. Loving people requires that we be honest with them, sometimes telling them things they may not want to hear. At Windwood, we will continue to recognize people as either male or female but will give special consideration to those with unusual genetic circumstances.
Concerning Women in Ministry — Spirituality — knowing and expressing love, joy, peace, faith, and all the other gifts of the Holy Spirit — is not related to gender. We believe God has gifted men and women to lead others in growing spiritually, and we recognize those who have been given those gifts without regard to gender.
Concerning Race — The Holy Scriptures are clear that God created Adam and Eve from whom the whole of humanity is descended. Therefore, there is only one race and it is human. The color of one’s skin has nothing to do with one’s character. At Windwood, we don’t all look alike. This is a gift from God to be celebrated, not a basis for prejudice or preference. “In Christ, there is no Jew nor Greek, no slave nor free, no male nor female, for all are one in Christ.” (Galatians 3:28) For more discussion of Windwood’s Convictions on race, click here.